Thursday - May 7, 2020

#HearHim by keeping the commandments (Strength of Youth)

  • Things to consider:
    • Why does Heavenly Father want me to have the Strength of Youth?
    • What can I do to improve my adherence to the guidelines in the Strength of Youth?
Day 4: guten Morgen! "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." – Romans 8:28


Missionary Lesson:

    • There is no missionary lesson to watch today. 
    • Read the beginning section of chapter 3 in Preach My Gospel
      • Think about those you are going to teach (tomorrow night).
      • Pray and ponder on the message they will need to hear. 

Why I serve:

Day 4 Challenge (complete at least one of the following):

  • Physical: find a picture of someone giving a good example of living a strength of youth value",
  • Spiritual:Service is one of the standards in For the Strength of Youth. Find one way to serve someone in your house (no post needed).

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